Turning 25!

by - Juni 12, 2022

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT for giving me another year of life. Thanks to Allah SWT for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories and for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending a gifts, text and good wishes.

Today, I choose to be happy. To love myself. To cherish myself. I choose to change. I choose to be better. I choose to move forward. Twenty-five came way too quickly. Here it is, a recap of my 25th Birthday.

a flower 

from my mom


celebrate with my beloved friends

make my own bday cake

another gifts

another gift

Simple birthday filled with all of the things that I absolutely love. Thanks all! 🖤



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